The long, wild story of the universe, in 5 eras

Astronomers find these five chapters to be a handy way of conceiving the universe’s incredibly long lifespan.

Robby Berman 27 March, 2020

  • We’re in the middle, or thereabouts, of the universe’s Stelliferous(Starry) era.
  • If you think there’s a lot going on out there now, the first era’s drama makes things these days look pretty calm.
  • Scientists attempt to understand the past and present by bringing together the last couple of centuries’ major schools of thought.

If you’re fortunate enough to get yourself beneath a clear sky in a dark place on a moonless night, a gorgeous space-scape of stars waits. If you have binoculars and point them upward, you’re treated to a mind-bogglingly dense backdrop of countless specks of light absolutely everywhere, stacked atop each other, burrowing outward and backward through space and time. Such is the universe of the cosmological era in which we live. It’s called the Stelliferous era, and there are four others.

Click on the following URL for an great analysis of the possible story of the universe: